“The balance of having both your masculine and feminine qualities in that session is absolutely transformative. This experience far surpassed my every expectation. I have no words to describe the gratitude I feel for you both! The constellation with you two was literally life changing! Such a simple and beautiful process, but simultaneously SOOO profound!”
~ Alan
“I loved our work this year. It was genuinely life-changing. I met a wonderful man in July and in a healthy, and supportive relationship since. Work and friendships have also become more plentiful. I have my anxiety impulses and bad days and feel a lot of pride in how I handle it now.“
~ C.R.
Mark Wolynn
Founder/Director, Family Constellation Institute
Author of It Didn’t Start with You
“I am a therapist and I recommend everyone do a family constellation with Bruce and Leah and then support it with somatic sessions with Leah. Their work has helped me far more than conventional talk-therapy to step confidently into the man that I have always wanted to be and amazingly move towards living a more whole and happy life. The things that used to bug me don’t shake me anymore. I’m able to move into a healing process with myself when deeper, more guarded and hurt parts arise. With her guidance, I’ve learned to slow down, feel, and trust, which has allowed me to grow and evolve consciously and authentically.”
~ A.M., MA, AMFT
“Working with Leah has been magical. After years of therapy, I feel like I’ve finally found someone who GETS IT! I have learned more and changed more in the short time of working with Leah than I have in all my years previous. I am seeing a profound shift in my nervous system. I can slow down and stop running on stress hormones all day long. I can understand and recognize when past trauma is driving my behaviors and thoughts. I can shift my body and mindset into healing. I have also benefited professionally, bringing the concepts and practices as well as a new me into sessions with my patients. Most importantly, this work has helped me transform into a new person who lives more in faith rather than fear.”
– E. D. S., LCSW
– Rachelle
“Leah is an exceptional therapist and practitioner of inherited family trauma and somatic therapy. Working with her has been a life-changing experience. Leah is the wise mentor, somatic guide and wisdom teacher that helped me gently revisit old wounds and calm the swirling rage of inner fire. She is the gentle soul, who helped me purge unconscious imprints, so I could finally set myself free. Leah guided me through a beautiful process of awakening and integration, so I could finally heal and love all of me. ” —Cherie
You are gifted. Thank you for helping me. I am indeed UNSTUCK! I’m losing weight, drinking less, signing a lease to expand my business, learning Spanish and generally facing conflict, taking up space, and letting myself be big and move forward. It’s been great! Got that mamma and grandma behind me saying “it’s your turn now. Go get ‘em.” – SL
– Trish
Since then, I have had 5 individual biodynamic Embodiment Process sessions with Leah. She has reframed much of my conceptual thinking and vocabulary to support how I want to experience my life and others. Her very clear, soft, nurturing demeanor and hands-on energy work has released me from holding on to energies that have been disruptive or blocking healthier ways of being. I have been surprised at her intuitive revelations of some very deeply buried patterns that have contributed to my lifetime of unhealthy behaviors. Then she adds new solutions, new ways of, I feel, interacting with myself to experience my world with more freedom, love, and acceptance. And this is just after 5 weeks!
I plan to continue seeing her, for how long I am not sure. I will conclude by saying she is real, she walks her walk, she is humble while coming from a strength of understanding from her own deep soul. I feel truly blessed at this point in my life to have her as my teacher and healer.” – Jo Ann
“Leah has helped me break through walls of trauma I thought I could never heal. She holds such a deep container of support. When combined with her attuned, embodied nature and age-old wisdom – transformation is inevitable. I have experienced more emotional release and completion from Leah’s guidance than over a decade of working with psychologists and psychiatrists combined. Every session with Leah is a powerful and potent experience.”
– Kristina