Free Online Introduction to

Inherited Trauma & Family Constellations

with Bruce & Leah Kalish, MA


Join us for a free online introduction to the dynamics and symptoms of inherited trauma and how Family Constellation work offers a proven way to uncover and effectively address those issues. Learn how you can differentiate from the wounds of your system and, instead, orient to its love and strength.

We will discuss how trauma causes epigenetic adaptation and thus is inherited via cellular information across generations. We will also outline the history and principles of Family Constellation work, as developed by Bert Hellinger, and how it is utilized to end the cycle of inherited trauma.  Our intention  is to illuminate with examples the trans-generational impact of trauma as well as how to resolve it such that you leave with a new perspective on your own recurring issues and negative patterns.

To register & receive for the zoom link, email leahkalishma@gmail.com

Recommended reading: It Didn’t Start With You, How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to Stop the Cycle by Mark Wolynn.

Group Workshop

Inherited Trauma & Family Constellations

with Bruce & Leah Kalish, MA

Feb 23, 2025
10 am – 4 pm PT

Research in epigentics and neuroscience confirms that just as hair, eyes, and body type are inherited, so are the emotions, losses, and fears from traumatic events experienced by our family.  Left unresolved, the incomplete feelings from past trauma become the negative patterns and problems of the next generation. Financial, emotional, behavioral and relational issues are often rooted in this unconscious entanglement with what was too painful, shameful, or heartbreaking for parents or grandparents to process or discuss.

In our Family Constellation workshop, we gather in a circle in service to the health of ourselves, our families and humanity.  We use our issues as doorways to seeing the unconscious entanglements that perpetuate suffering. Once revealed, these entanglements can be unraveled and differentiated from such that we can individuate and choose to express and align with the good and strengths of our family systems rather than the traumas. When past traumas and feelings are identified and the impact understood, you gain insight and compassion. You see what happened and how your family members were affected. You also see that what happened was never personal and that the story you have had about it only limits you. In holding it differently, the cycle of suffering can stop. New possibilities arise and you are free to do life differently.

To register, email leahkalishma@gmail.com

Practitioner Class with Leah Kalish, MA

10 Monthly Classes: start Feb 2, 25  meet 2nd or 3rd Sunday of month                 1-4 pm PT 

This class is for those who want to integrate inherited trauma healing into their work and deepen their facilitator skills.  Pre-requisite is a basic understanding of inherited trauma dynamics & Family Constellation principles. Contact Leahkalishma@gmail.com to register or discuss. 818-667-3689. Registration ends Jan 3, 2025.

Upfront fee for all 10 classes:$1300.

Per class fee: $150 with agreed commitment to 8 classes: $1200

Improve your capacity to integrate inherited trauma and somatic work into your practice.

Receive the support/coaching you need for specific cases/clients before, during, and after.

Build confidence & skills with expert consulting, guided practices and group sharing.                Deepen your embodiment of:

  • Anchored presence
  • Orientation to health intelligence
  • Attunement to the body
  • Trust in the Field

We will analyze, discuss, and review recorded and live demo constellations as well as your individual on-going cases, issues, and questions.

  • Receive specific personal and professional coaching
  • Improve your therapeutic skills and client outcomes
  • Expand your community and access to support
  • Hone your gifts and purpose


Embodied Inherited Trauma Training & Mentorship

with Leah Kalish, MA

Jan – Aug 2026 

This program is for those who wish to learn how to integrate trauma-informed somatic & family constellation processes into their work to support clients to:

  • Identify and differentiate from unconscious entanglements with systemic patterns
  • Resolve inherited trauma dynamics. Experience new freedom & possibilities
  • Down-regulate, attune to innate health, and complete long-held somatic imprints
  • Create healthier boundaries, relationships, and responsibilities
  • Embody greater vitality, resilience, and clarity
Bruce and Leah are masterful facilitators, bringing warmth, depth, wisdom and compassion to those whose hearts they touch. Los Angeles is lucky to have them.

Mark Wolynn
Founder/Director, Family Constellation Institute
Author of It Didn’t Start with You

Leah Kalish

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